Olivet Theological College and Seminary

Reflective Minds

Seminary students train to be future scholars through deep theological and biblical reflections


Seedbed For Missions

Seminary students train to be future scholars through deep theological and biblical reflections


Latest News & Events

Feb 27

Deadline to withdraw courses​

Feb 27

Last day to apply for Winter quarter Leave of Absence

Mar 1~3

Global Christian Education Summit

Mar 19

Last day of classes

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. – Habakkuk 2:14

“Olivet” Refers to the Mount of Olives

A historic site in ministry of Jesus named for the olive trees that covered its slopes. The emblems of Olivet – the olive tree and the oil from its fruit – represent the world of peace and eternity proclaimed by Jesus Christ. The hope for that world is embedded in Olivet Theological College & Seminary.

Flagship M.Div. Program

In the Doctor of Ministry level, admitted candidates should already be involved and contributing significantly in Christian ministry.

Prayer and Spirituality Concentration

The goal is preparing ministers and pastors for ministry with an emphasis on prayer, spirituality and the exercise of spiritual gifts. This allows firm understanding of biblical and historical roots of prayer and spirituality in Christianity.

Church & Mission Concentration

This program trains future ministers in advanced competencies in preaching, contextualization, and utilization of social media in mission equipping them for the changing landscape of 21st-century ministry to the network generation.