Flagship M.Div Program

The Master of Divinity is Olivet Theological College & Seminary’s flagship four-year program designed to prepare future ministers for real-world church planting and specialized ministry in twenty-first-century Christian missions. This program provides students with core biblical and theological instruction, leadership training, as well as a range of the skills necessary to perform ministerial duties in church and various ministries in a global context.

Being the entrance qualification for ordained pastsoral ministry, the Master of Divinity degree seeks to prepare and equip its students for a fruitful life in ministry. Distinguishing it from other programs Olivet’s M.Div. program has created a format to integrate theological, biblical and, mission-critical practical work experiences. In order to train the future pastors and ministers in face of the dynamic world with specific ministry internship experience, Olivet’s M. Div. student can also choose their concentrations.

The program’s emphasis is providing students the opportunity to study at more than one Olivet University location. Students interested in taking Master of Divinity program online can do so at eCampus.

Marketplace Ministry Concentration​​

The Olivet University Master of Divinity Marketplace Ministry Track trains future ministers in foundational competencies necessary to engage in founding small to medium scale support businesses for church plants. Additionally graduates will have gained valuable practical experience in the marketplace to minister to working professionals much more effectively than would be possible in a traditional seminary degree. Concentration Goals In the context of Olivet’s mission and the Master of Divinity degree program goals, completion of the Marketplace Ministry concentration will enable students to: Understand the core concepts of business including financial, legal, management, and be able to apply these concepts in a business context. Develop the ability to create new business ventures utilizing various available resources within the context of a “Business as Mission” mindset. Articulate and defend the relationship between business skills and techniques with the Christian faith.

Children's Ministry Concentration

The Children’s Ministry concentration trains future ministers in foundational competencies of children’s ministry as frequently required in Sunday and church schools. Basic courses in growth and development, eduational theory, curriculum design, and parents and community relations equip students with the tools needeed to succeed in the concurrent children’s ministry internships, which are an integral part of the program.

Church & Mission Concentration

The Olivet University Master of Divinity Church Planting Ministry Track trains future ministers in advanced competencies in preaching, contextualization, and utilization of social media in mission equipping them for the changing landscape of 21st-century
ministry to the network generation. Additionally, graduates will have gained valuable practical experience in the field of front line missions to apply learned knowledge immediately and feedback questions and challenges arising in the field to the classrooms.

Prayer and Spirituality Concentration​

Preparing minsters and pastors for ministry with an emphasis on prayer, spirituality and the exercise of spiritual gifts is the goal of this concentration in the Master of Divinity program. A firm understanding of biblical and historical roots of prayer and spirituality in Christianity is the goal of the course in this concentration. It is complemented by an extensive practical ministry internship program equipping with the experience essential to prayer ministry.



OTCS Library provides students, faculty, and staff with the resources, research tools, and study environment necessary for the academic training of men and women for Christian ministry.


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