Bachelor of Arts in Theology

The Bachelor of Arts in Theology program offers a comprehensive four-year college-level education in critical and applied Biblical and theological studies. Students in this program w
ill engage deeply with Scripture, examining doctrinal and historical perspectives. They will equip themselves to live out the Biblical calling of theological study by acquiring theoretical and practical backgrounds in missions. The program encompasses core curriculums in general studies and professional studies, providing students with chances to apply classroom learning in practical ministry settings.

Program Goals

In the context of Olivet’s mission, completion of the Bachelor of Arts in Theology program will enable students to:

  • Define and explain major theological themes of the Bible.
  • Describe and evaluate the ways in which a problem in science, the arts, society, human services, economic life or technology intersects with theology and missions.
  • Investigate a familiar but complex theological problem in Christian missions utilizing biblical concepts and values.
  • Defend personal faith in Jesus Christ, drawing on Scriptural truth in light of competing ethical frameworks.
Graduation Requirements

The Bachelor of Arts in Theology students must fulfill the following Bachelor’s degree requirements for graduation:

  • Pass a total of 180 quarter hours: 108 quarter hours of bachelor of art core courses, 44 quarter hours of theology major courses, 9 ministry internships, and 19 open electives. (Students are subject to the Bachelor of Arts in Theology degree requirements of the catalog of the year in which they entered.)
  • Maintain a 2.00 (C grade point average) in all academic work.
  • Receive a passing mark for all Christian Service and Chapel requirements.
  • Satisfy all financial responsibilities to the university.


1. Bachelor of Arts Degree Core (No less than 108 units required)

The Bachelor of Arts Degree Core is divided into three main areas: (1) Bible & Theology Core; (2) General Education; and (3) General Ministry Skills. See the “Bachelor of Arts Degree Core Curriculum” section for the comprehensive course list.

I. Bible & Theology Core (48 units)

BIBL100 Old Testament Survey (4 units)
BIBL110 New Testament Survey (4 units)
BIBL120 The Gospels (4 units)
BIBL240 Romans I (4 units)
BIBL250 Romans II (4 units)
BIBL330 Pentateuch (4 units)
HIST110 History of Christianity (4 units)
THEO100 Introduction to Theology (4 units)
THEO200 God’s Plan of Creation and Redemption I (4 units)
THEO211 God’s Plan of Creation and Redemption II (4 units)
THEO220 Introduction to Christian Ethics (4 units)
THEO310 Biblical Apologetics (4 units)

II. General Education (60 units)

(a) General Education Foundation (12 units)
All Bachelor level students except the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering majors are required to take no fewer than 12 units of General Education Foundation courses selected from the following options: 
BIBL130 Introduction to the Bible (4 units)
ANTH320 World Perspectives (4 units)
COMM130 Speech & Communication (4 units)
SOCI150 Research & Writing (4 units)
MINS205 Cultivating a Christian Mind (4 units)
(b) General Education Distribution (48 units)
 (1) Humanities/Arts (4 or more units)
       Course list below is exemplary only.

ENGL120 English Literature & Composition (4 units)
ENGL100 English Language & Composition  (4 units)       
ARTH230 Introduction to Arts (4 units)
FARI101 Fundamental Drawing (4 units)
BIBL131 Bible Reading Essentials (4 units)
MINS206 Life and Theology of Influential Christian Missionaries (4 units)
MUSC240 Introduction to Music (4 units)
HIST220 US History & Government (4 units)           
HIST350 World Christian Movement (4 units)           
GREK100, GREK 102 Greek I, Greek II (2 units each) 
GREK101, GREK 103 Greek I Practice, Greek II Practice (2 units each)
HEBR100, HEBR 102 Hebrew I, Hebrew II (2 units each)
HEBR101, HEBR 103 Hebrew I Practice, Hebrew II Practice (2 units each)
CDVS110-111 Living Books Seminar I-II (4 units each)
CDVS150 Philosophy of Christian Education (5 units)
CDVS230 Exploring Special Topics in Educational Principles and Methods (2 units)
CDVS260 Introduction to Charlotte Mason’s Philosophy of Education (2 units)
CDVS360 Introduction to Narration (2 units)
THEO320 Introduction to Christian Thought I (4 units)  
THEO321 Introduction to Christian Thought II (4 units)

(2) Natural/Information Science & Mathematics (4 or more units)
      Course list below is exemplary only.
MATH100 Calculus 1 (5 units)
MATH110 Calculus 2 (5 units)
MATH120 Differential Equations (4 units)
MATH230 Probability & Statistics (4 units)
MATH300 Linear Algebra (4 units)
PHYS130 Calculus-Based Physics 1 (4 units)
CHEM210 Chemistry 1 (4 units)
CHEM220 Chemistry 2 (4 units)
CHEM230 Principles of Organic Chemistry (4 units)
BIOS100 Biological Science 1 (4 units)
BIOS150 Biological Science 2 (4 units)
BIOS250 Principles of Biology (4 units)
BIOS270 Botany of Vascular Plants (4 units)
BIOS300 Genetics (4 units)
ITEC100 Introduction to Information Technology (4 units)
(3) Social/Behavioral Science (4 or more units)
      Course list below is exemplary only.
SOCI100 Introduction to Sociology (4 units) 
COMM110 Communication Theory (4 units) 
MKTG200 Organizational Behavior (4 units)
PSYC280 Introduction to Psychology (4 units)           
ANTH201 Cultural Studies (4 units)           
ECON200 Macroeconomics (4 units)   
ECON210 Agricultural Economics (4 units)         
ECON310 Microeconomics (4 units)
PHIL200 Introduction to Western Philosophy (4 units)
MGMT400 Management (4 units) 



Acceptable courses for fulfilling the distribution requirement encompass general introductory courses within the respective disciplines represented in each area. The listed courses in each area should not be considered exhaustive, as there may be other courses that fulfill the category requirements. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with your academic advisor for further guidance.

Bachelor of Arts students typically have a broader range of course options within these distributions, while Bachelor of Science majors often have specific prerequisite course requirements, which may amount to 40 or more quarter credit hours, within the Natural/Information Sciences & Mathematics Distribution.


III. General Ministry Skills (0 units)

Undergraduate students must register for PRAC011 College Chapel every quarter they are enrolled. To pass chapel, students must achieve a score of at least 70% on their chapel assignments. Undergraduate students who fail chapel four times or more are ineligible to graduate. Failing chapel may result in disciplinary action by the campus chaplaincy. Potential consequences include a warning, probation, suspension, or dismissal. Please refer to the Chapel Program Handbook for more detailed information.

Undergraduate students are required to pass six quarters of PRAC010 College Christian Service to be eligible for graduation. To pass Christian service, students must achieve a score of at least 70% on their Christian service assignments. Please refer to the Christian Service Program Handbook for more detailed information. 


2. Major Courses (No less than 44 units required)

B.A. in Theology students are required to take no fewer than 44 units of biblical and theological studies courses, as well as practical theology courses selected from the following options:

BIBL130 Introduction to the Bible (4 units)
BIBL211 Pauline Epistles (4 units)
BIBL370 Galatians (4 units)
BIBL490 Seminar in Biblical Studies (4 units)
MINS200 Introduction to Missions (4 units)
MINS201 Introduction to Business as Mission (4 units)
MINS300 Evangelism & Discipleship (4 units)
MINS310 Introduction to Web for Missions (4 units)
MINS330 Introduction to Teaching and Preaching (4 units)
MINS341-343 Teaching Practicum I-III (2 units each)
MINS380 Spiritual Formation (4 units)
MINS410 Christian Leadership (4 units)
MINS430 Church Planting & Development (4 units)
MINS440 Mission Methods & Strategy (4 units)
THEO320 Introduction to Christian Thought I (4 units)
THEO321 Introduction to Christian Thought II (4 units)
THEO490 Topics in Theology (4 units)
GREK100 Greek I (2 units)
GREK102 Greek II (2 units)
HEBR100 Hebrew I (2 units)
HEBR102 Hebrew II (2 units)


3. Ministry Internships (9 units)

Beginning in their second year, Bachelor of Arts in Theology students are required to complete 9 units of internship credits relevant to ministry, either within a church or a specialized ministry organization. Each internship carries one unit. Students may take up to 1 additional credit toward graduation. For more information, please see the Ministry Practice Handbook.

BATH-INTERN 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290 (1 unit each)


4. Open Electives (No less than 19 units required)

Students are required to take an additional 19 units of open electives. These electives can be chosen from any courses from OU’s Undergraduate Catalog.



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